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Please indicate your fluency level and test name/score if you have taken official tests in a language other than EnglishCitizenship(s) To be filled out by the REGISTRAR DESIGNATE I confirm that the student is eligible for study abroad Students GPA for all courses taken at ϲ̳ (whether or not they apply to degree) is equal to or above 2.50 Students most recent Fall or Winter term GPA is equal to or above 2.70 Student has completed or is attempting a total of at least 18 credits at ϲ̳NameSignature & Date To be filled out by STUDENT ACCOUNTS I confirm that the Student does not have any financial encumbrances and is in good financial standing Has the student opted out of the Concordia Student Association Health and Dental Plan? Yes No NameSignature & Date To be filled out by the INTERNATIONAL OFFICE I hereby nominate the above-mentioned student for study abroad.NameSignature & Date  Emergency Contact Details Two Emergency Contacts with different phone numbers are required. PRIMARY EMERGENCY CONTACT NameRelationship to StudentMailing Address Telephone (Home)Telephone (Business)Telephone (Cell)E-mailSECONDARY EMERGENCY CONTACT NameRelationship to StudentMailing Address Telephone (Home)Telephone (Business)Telephone (Cell)E-mail Declaration By signing this legal document you give up certain legal rights. Please read carefully. % I declare that the foregoing information is to my knowledge true, complete and accurate. % I understand that the submission of false information may be subject to proceedings under the Code of Student Conduct and may result in the disqualification of my application. % I authorize the release by Concordia University of Edmonton of information to the host institution for purposes of program administration. It is my responsibility as a participant to learn as much as possible about the risks of the venture, to weigh these risks against the advantages, and to decide whether or not to participate. As a participant I must notify the International Office if I no longer wish to be considered for the study abroad experience. It is my responsibility as a participant to obtain the necessary paperwork (visas, study permits, immunizations), which are required by the country I am entering and to apply for these well in advance of departure. I hereby recognize that participation in a study abroad student exchange program is contingent upon payment of tuition and related fees to ϲ̳ assessed on a full course load, irrespective of the number of credits being registered for in the term(s) abroad. I acknowledge that I may not be able to obtain ϲ̳ transfer credits for courses that I take while studying abroad. I understand that I may have to enroll in additional term(s) at ϲ̳ (and pay the applicable tuition and fees) in order to fulfill my degree requirements. It is my responsibility to ensure the accuracy of my record, to inform ϲ̳ and my faculty of any discrepancies in my academic record, and to update the mailing address on my record as appropriate. I also recognize that visa, transportation, medical insurance, living expenses (such as room and board), and all other costs related to my attendance at the host institution are my sole responsibility. It is my responsibility to ensure,-             ' b c d e  ȸxh5h(8CJOJQJaJh5hPCJOJQJaJh5hPCJOJQJaJh(8h5h(8CJOJQJaJh5hP5CJOJQJaJh(8OJQJhqdOJQJhPOJQJh(8CJ OJPJQJ^JaJ hPCJ OJPJQJ^JaJ /-iOd$Ifgd5l mkd$$Ifl** t0*44 lap yt5d$Ifgd5l d $da$   zbbHd$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l kd$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5    zbbHd$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l kd$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5     zbbHd$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l kd$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5  c d zbHbd$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l kdD$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5d e zbbHd$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l kd$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5 zbbHd$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l kdr$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5 ) * zbbd$Ifgd5l kd $$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5 ( ) * + Y Z    K L K L M ޿~k~kVGh5h(8B*OJQJph( *h5hPB*CJOJQJaJph%h5h(8B*CJOJQJaJph%h5hPB*CJOJQJaJphh5h(8CJOJQJaJh5hPCJOJQJaJh5h(85CJOJQJaJh5hP5CJOJQJaJh5hPCJOJQJaJh(8h5h(8CJOJQJaJh5hPCJOJQJaJ* + Z x`F`d$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l kd$$Iflg0H*C t0*44 lapyt5 zbHbd$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l kd;$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5  L zbHd$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l kd$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5L L M R J2d$Ifgd5l mkdi$$Ifl** t0*44 lap yt5G & Fd$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgd5l M Q R b c d e G $&FHJL$&(02RTVXξrcξh5h(8B*OJQJphh5hPB*OJQJph-h5hPB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph%h5h(8B*CJOJQJaJph%h5hPB*CJOJQJaJphh5h(85CJOJQJaJh5hP5CJOJQJaJh(8h5h(8CJOJQJaJh5hPCJOJQJaJ#R c d e Hkd$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5d$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l  &HJ22d$Ifgd5l mkd$$Ifl** t0*44 lap yt5G & Fd$$d%d&d'd(dIfNOPQRgd5l HJL&`Hd$Ifgd5l kd$$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5d$Ifgd5l &(2TVzz`d$Ifgd5l d$Ifgd5l mkd$$Ifl** t0*44 lap yt5VXZ $%zs_sGGd$Ifgd5l $d&d P a$dkd $$Ifl0H*C t0*44 lapyt5XZ #$%&*+,-DEFGVWXYZ[klmn̼okXookXookXooookXookXookXX%h5hPB*CJOJQJaJphh(8%h5h(8B*CJOJQJaJph(h5h(85B*CJOJQJaJph(h5hP5B*CJOJQJaJphh(8B*CJOJQJaJphhPB*CJOJQJaJph'h(8B*CJ OJPJQJ^JaJ ph'hPB*CJ OJPJQJ^JaJ phh(8CJOJQJaJ"%&+,x``d$Ifgd5l kd $$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5,-EFx``d$Ifgd5l kdF $$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5FGWXYZx````d$Ifgd5l kd $$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5Z[lmx``d$Ifgd5l kd| $$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5mnx``d$Ifgd5l kd $$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5x``d$Ifgd5l kd $$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5    !"2345;<=>?@K蛛'hPB*CJ OJPJQJ^JaJ phh(8B*CJOJQJaJph(h5h(85B*CJOJQJaJph(h5hP5B*CJOJQJaJph%h5hPB*CJOJQJaJphh(8%h5h(8B*CJOJQJaJph/x``d$Ifgd5l kdM $$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5x``d$Ifgd5l kd $$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5x``d$Ifgd5l kd$$IflT0w+*r t0&*44 lapyt5x``d$Ifgd5l kd:$$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5x``d$Ifgd5l kd$$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5x````d$Ifgd5l kdp$$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5  x``d$Ifgd5l kd $$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5   !x``d$Ifgd5l kd$$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5!"34x``d$Ifgd5l kdA$$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt545<=x``d$Ifgd5l kd$$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5=>?@L:xqq_UIII $d a$ $da$$d&d P a$dkdw$$IflT0 +* P t0&*44 lapyt5KLj8:\]abpDpEppppqq rrrr8s9s=sɹىzh5hPCJOJQJaJ"h(85B*CJOJQJaJphUhPCJOJQJaJh(8B*CJOJQJaJphhPB*CJOJQJaJphh(8B*CJOJQJaJph"hP5B*CJOJQJaJph'h(8B*CJ OJPJQJ^JaJ ph,:]bEppqrr9s>sOsd$Ifgd5l $d a$$ & Fd a$9$ & Fd $d%d&d'd(dNOPQRa$ that I do not leave the host institution with any outstanding fees. I agree to attend the scheduled pre-departure orientation session for my specific term(s) abroad. I agree to attend the scheduled return orientation upon my return home. I, the applicant, hereby declare that the emergency contact information provided on this form is complete and accurate and will be valid at the time of my travel abroad. It is my responsibility to ensure that any updates or changes to the information are completed before my departure. I recognize that the International Office at ϲ̳ may contact the emergency contact listed above in the event of an emergency or serious situation and I hereby give them consent to do so. I certify that all statements made on this application form are true and complete. 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